Saturday, October 13, 2012

it's a thing

I think I am going to junk my fc2.

I mean, it isn't like I have been using it at all recently and re-editing fics and posting them on an avenue where no one sees anyway feels kind of useless. Okay, scratch that. It is mainly because I am just too lazy to keep up with it... D:

Besides I like ff.n and AO3 enough to keep them going (even though they both have their faults, I mean, AO3: where is your private messaging system??! and ff.n: quit cutting my line breaks already!!)

Also, on the subject of writing. Let me signal boost this in any way I can! (Even though nobody reads this blog besides a selected few, and by few I am thinking two or three people.) But, have I mentioned Caffrey-Burke Day:

PS: I promise a White Collar review, among everything else. (kuro, you seriously need to stop making promises like now! /shot)


Rin-rin~ said...

You really should stop making promises XDDD

Because now I can't wait to read that review XDDD

Whoa, October 23? May I ask why do people decided it'd be that day? :DDD XD

Do your best at school, huuuuun~ <3 Sorry I haven't been commenting u.u I've been a bit neglectful with some things lately XDDD

Kuro said...

Oh darling! I have been neglecting so many more things, you are really doing so much better than me!! XDDD

OH! It's October 23rd because this is the third year anniversary since the pilot episode of WC was released! :D

For WC and my Rinconnn-dearest, that will be at the top of my list! (After I finish the fics I want to get for Caffrey-Burke day XDDD)V V

Rin-rin~ said...

'Kay, I won't feel guilty then XDDD

Oh, I see now! :D It's a fine day XDDD

Yaaaaaay! It's OK. Take your time :DDD XD