Friday, August 17, 2012

Postal Air Mails and Kobito

Okay, so you know how some girls want clothes, some cosmetics, some BL mangas. Well, the latter does apply to me but right now, there is something I want SO MUCH MORE.

Remember Momo-chan from over at this post a while back? Well, when I ventured to Japan, I went and bought myself a bunch of Momo-chan souvenir.

(Left to right: Metal pencil case, game, cup.) Do you realize how giddy it made me when I noticed the back of the cup has his BUTT, now I can drink juice from his pink pink ass. :DD

Okay, admittedly the game is a free for all, do as you like kind. Or just try to stack them as high as you can. And of course, this is how I play instead:

Be grateful I didn't try to make a human centipede. /shot. But, there's more to playing inappropriate games with your toys! Kobito-Dukan released more! And they are sooooo adorable!

More Momo-chans!!! *v* And even more of Momo-chan's friends! (All tied up even!)

PS: Everyone's packages arrived safe and sound! :D (This is like best news, always! I hope everyone liked what they got~~)


Rin-rin~ said...

I can't believe you actually bought all these XDDD

You said you wouldn't have any money left when you got to Japan XDDDD

Anyways, am glad you managed to get them...since you really did seem to like them very much when you posted it back then XDDD

Although that way of playing with them... I'm scared XDDDD

Kuro said...

AHAHA! Yes, I actually bought them XD

I am still very much in love with them, I promise I will play a cleaner version, at least properly just for you :DD

Rin-rin~ said...

Nah, it's OK. They're yours, after all XDDD You can do whatever you like, huuuuuun~ <3 XD

Anonymous said...

Could you please tell me where you get the felt kobitos? (bottom two images). I love them!!!!


Kuro said...

Actually I never got the bottom two felt kobitos :'(

I was browsing on their official site when I saw them, but I suppose they can be bought in Japan (well, not anywhere close to here anyway!)