Sunday, May 23, 2010

Word of the day: Ugly

I didn't know I've seen ugly until I have seen this:

-covers eyes-

I mean, how can something be so ugly??

I don't understand.

But I have to confess, I can't stop looking at it. Because of the exact same reason: it is so goddamn ugly. -peeks at it- The design is so horrifying, I didn't (more like couldn't) imagine it existing, let alone existing as a souvenir. Yes, this thing exists as a souvenir. And it is a souvenir from Shanghai's World Expo (and I thought the mascot was ugly.)

But not only this, but it is on a bright pink bag.

What has the world come to??


Fany_Julye said...

Do you really think its THAT ugly? @___@ I mean, there are things that uglier XD

To me I find it pretty normal, I mean its nothing pleasant or pretty but I dont get horrified by it. Dunno why, maybe am just weird? or maybe am too used to horror movies? LOL!

Kuro said...

Are you serious??!! XDD I think it really is REALLY ugly... but on some warped level, I really like it too XD

I was quite horrified at first but after a while, it started to look appealing.... OTL

And yes! Too much horror for you!! XDD

Fany_Julye said...

Awww it doesnt look that ugly to me LOL I've come to learn everything has beauties in it << dont mind it, its some cliched thing I learned from somewhere xDDD

It looked funny in fact XD

LOL I know rite, too much horror +__+

Kuro said...

Well in some ways, yes it does look beautiful in an odd way -shot repeated times- XDD But yes, it does look funny XDD

cheezy said...

Holy shit... D: You've successfully burnt my eyes *_*

Kuro said...

Should I take pride in that? OTL|||

cheezy said...

Yes you should. 8D

Kuro said...

XD then I shall :D