Saturday, December 25, 2010

The Holidays have their surprises

After growing up along side of The Nightmare Before Christmas, Edward Scissorhands, Sleepy Hollow (it really shows how much of a healthy childhood I had, ne?), I had to go to Tim Burton's New York exhibit that was being featured in Toronto (my home base) as a long term fan of anything and everything Tim Burton.

And may I add, this man is a mad genius.

His exhibit is mostly composed of his sketches, art and less publicized works, some of which were never even used in the actual films he had already released. There were the real models used in the film of Corpse Bride, Edward Scissorhand's costume (hands included) and even Sweeny Todd's blades!!

To me, he is like a deranged Leonardo da Vinci with his sketches and art, it was insane ;D

More details see the Tim Burton exhibit at Toronto's TIFF Bell LightBox. I highly recommend anyone who is in the area and love Tim Burton's works like mad. :D And as an extra, this here is a special commission he had set up for the Christmas holidays, it is adorable:

Serious enjoyments over, we must now move on to more lighthearted discoveries I have had on a (rare) visit to the shopping mall. Yes, its that time of the year where even I leave the house for something other than school.

I am not all that sure how well-known H&M is around the world but here, where I live, H&M is a pretty popular clothing store. So far so good, my sisters and I wander into the store, look through the racks, try some clothes on (that is at least 50% off) and then I get bored. I glance at the posters around the store and see this:

I go holy wow and nudges my sister like mad. She convinces me they are brothers, but a larger part of me still believes that they are gay lovers (I mean, come on!)

A bit more glancing around, a bit more shuffling through the crowds and a few more snickers directed at the poster, we were ready to go. But just as we pass by their display windows to move on to another store, we stand back and we see this.


By then, H&M no longer stood for whatever it actually does and there is no convincing in this world that could change my (and my sisters') mind.

Is this even allowed??! If it wasn't for that sale tape over the window, I think they would have stood out like crazy. Is this a subliminal message to brainwash us? Because if it is, I must say, I completely approve.

On H&M's official site, they have more pictures and even short clips (see here for more) where they name the first pair 'brothers' whereas the other one is called 'friends'... who are you trying to kid?! D:

... I won't deny it, I want to apply for a job there so maybe when the holiday seasons are over, I would get to take these posters home for keeps... *u*

Merry X'mas to all!~

1 comment:

Kuro said...

Thanks for the smile mysterious white rabbit ;D